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Course Design Guide

This resource guides program managers, directors, and SMEs in designing course shells with library resources in mind.

Information Literacy Instruction

Information Literacy Instruction 

The Library’s information literacy instruction program focuses on crucial elements in the lifelong learning of CityU students. Through program and assignment mapping, librarians work in core courses at each level of a program to build skills over time. We collaborate with faculty, instructional designers, and subject matter experts to create and deliver quality embedded instruction that develops information literacy (IL) and critical thinking skills that are transferrable and adaptable to a variety of learning environments, and advocate for instruction and materials that align with and support the diverse needs of our students and community. 

Request Information Literacy Instruction and/or Learning Objects

Collaborate with a Librarian

The CityU Library encourages program managers to think of how information literacy instruction can be scaffolded across their programs, so that students build skills over time. 

During the course design process, course designers and program managers can collaborate with a librarian to create an integrated information literacy session or learning object embedded within your course shell. CityU Librarians will work with you to create interactive tutorials, videos, and research guides that cover specific topics relevant to your course content, highlight relevant library databases, or provide support on topics from basic to discipline-specific research skills, APA style, and more.

Use the button below to submit an instruction or learning object design request to the CityU Librarians. An assigned librarian will contact you once the form is submitted.


Please use Ask a Librarian if you have any questions about this process.

Learning Object Examples

Types of Learning Objects

In addition to providing synchronous instruction, CityU Librarians are happy to create asynchronous learning objects to support student learning. These may include videos, research guides, and self-paced tutorials. All of these learning object are customizable and can be easily embedded in Brightspace. To explore examples of these types of learning objects, click the links below:


Research Guides


Planning Information Literacy for Your Course

Points to Consider

Consider the following when developing an instruction session or learning object with a librarian:

  1. Instruction sessions are most effective when a student has an immediate information need, where they can directly apply the concepts and skills taught in class.
  2. Consider what you would like your students to take away from an instruction session. Are there particular skills, tools, databases or research strategies that will be useful for your students? Basic orientations and online "tours" of the library website are less effective for retaining information. 
  3. Think about scaffolding. What information literacy concepts have your students already been exposed to, in their program, and what do they need to learn and practice next? What does an information-literate student look like, at the end of the course and at the end of their degree program?
  4. Provide the librarian with a copy of your syllabus and any upcoming assignments. We can factor your learning outcomes into possible activities or other learning objects. 
  5. Lay the groundwork for the upcoming instruction session and emphasize the importance of student attendance. Ensure that students are aware of upcoming research assignments prior to a library visit, so that they understand the purpose of the instruction session.