Use the online and library resources outlined in this guide to research a specific country. This guide is especially useful if you need to conduct a PESTLE analysis.
Articles from 1,400+ business, law, and I.T. journals plus 27,000+ videos from industry leaders
Business Source Ultimate offers country reports detailing economic analysis, business risk, government & politics, GDP, industries, employment, and more. Pay attention to report dates. If you are looking for a PESTLE analysis on your country, MarketLine reports (found in this database) will often use this format.
Company financials, industry reports, investment analysis, and competitive benchmarking data
This database carries Dun & Bradstreet RiskLine reports, which provide country insights and in-depth coverage of the core components of risks and opportunities associated with doing business in a given country.
You can view a short video on this process below:
Quantitative data on business, finance, politics, and media.
Country profiles covering history, politics, and economic background of countries and territories.
GlobalEdge is an openly available, online database managed by Michigan State University. It compiles statistical data for countries around the world. In addition to statistics, historical, economic, and political conditions are available.
Their new reporting service, Business Ready (B-READY), is projected to launch September, 25, 2024.
Includes indicators and regulations for 189 countries. Doing Business offers economic data from 2003 to the present. This is a great tool for conducting a PESTLE analysis.
Download country specific data by:
Produced by US Central Intelligence Agency, The World Factbook presents data and information about countries around the world from a US perspective.
Popular among students conducting PESTLE analyses, this tool is great if you are researching how to expand a US-based business to a new country or market.
This resource can be used for finding background information on the political and economic environment of a particular country.
Looking for a Canadian perspective? Use Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service website to research business opportunities in specific countries. You can also browse by sector to find new markets and growth possibilities.
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