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An overview of best accessibility practices.

Audio, Video, and Alternative Formats

Common accessibility barriers to audio and video content include:

  • missing description of visual information (such as text in the video) for people who cannot see the video
  • requiring sight to understand the content of the video
  • making text in the video hard for some people to see because there is not enough contrast between the text and the background colors

The Web Accessibility Initiative's guide to Making Audio and Video outlines how to make media accessible, whether you are creating it yourself, outsourcing it, or sharing content created elsewhere:



Before posting audio, such as a podcast, to your LMS shell consider the following questions:

  1. Have you provided a transcript for users?
  2. If you've posted music, have you provided lyrics?



Before posting videos to your LMS shell, consider the following:

  1. Are the videos 5-10 minutes or less? If they're longer are they searchable?
  2. Do the videos have captions and are the captions accurate?
  3. Have they been embedded into your modules in a user-friendly way?

For more information, please see this guide from Captioning Key: