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RESR Program Resources

The RESR Program Resource Library guide is a collection of resources that can be found elsewhere in the library and some that are made specifically for this guide. All pages are meant to support you in your work during your doctoral program. We've compile

Recommended Uses

Use Generative AI to Enhance Learning

Using generative AI to enhance learning can be a creative and effective way to explore concepts. Here's how you can leverage Generative AI software for this purpose:


  • Begin a conversation with generative AI by introducing a topic or problem you want to brainstorm.
  • Ask it open-ended questions like, "Can you suggest innovative ways to teach calculus concepts?"

Understanding Concepts:

Having trouble grasping course material? Try some of these techniques:

  • Present a complex or abstract concept to a generative AI tool and ask it to explain it in simpler terms or provide real-world examples. This can help you gain a deeper understanding of the concept and facilitate better learning retention. 
  • Reverse this approach by asking AI to interact with you using the Feynman Technique. This idea revolves around breaking down complex concepts into simpler terms as if you were teaching it to someone else. 
  • Ask for analogies or metaphors that relate the concept to something familiar, making it easier to grasp.
  • Ask to engage in Socratic questioning around a particular topic in order to facilitate deeper understanding and engage in critical thinking.
  • Ask to write a case study to demonstrate the applicability of a specific concept 

Please note: This does have limitations and should be used carefully, as generative AI tools lack nuance and may struggle with more complicated or abstract concepts. This should be used as a supplement to class materials, not a replacement. It is best to use this approach to help you understand concepts with which you are already familiar.

Study Buddy

AI can share effective study techniques and time management tools. For example:

  • Ask for advice on note-taking methods, time management, active reading, and memory improvement. It might suggest techniques you haven't tried before, like those outlined in the "Exploring Concepts" section of this list.
  • Have an upcoming test or exam you need to practice for? Have AI create a practice exam, create flashcards, or help you practice specific concepts---this is especially helpful for language learning and math.

Please note: As mentioned many times before, generative AI tools can and will get details wrong. This only works if you have a solid foundation to work from. For example, asking ChatGPT for the "Cliffs Notes" version of a piece of literature without first reading the book will not allow you to recognize when ChatGPT gets characters or plot details wrong. Writing good prompts, based on extensive prior knowledge, is an important part of using ChatGPT.

Feedback and Iteration:

If you've already developed learning materials or strategies, share them with AI for review and feedback. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses, and ask for suggestions to improve the content or approach. This iterative process can help you refine your ideas and make them more impactful.

Generate Search Terms

Give AI your research idea or question and have it generate a list of keywords that you can use when searching in the library collection. Do NOT ask it to generate a bibliography. Generative AI tools is just a text predictor, so it will often generate fake citations.


  • Generative AI lacks nuance. It's important to critically evaluate the ideas it generates and tailor them to your specific context and audience. Always combine AI-generated suggestions with your expertise and experience as an learner.
  • Generative AI does NOT have the ability to fact-check or verify the accuracy of the information it generates, so it may generate false or misleading information. Do not ask it questions or have it generate answers on topics which you have no prior knowledge or background.
  • Generative AI IS biased. It is trained on a large dataset of text from the internet and books, but this data is not comprehensive or unbiased, and it often reflects the inherent biases already present in our society.

Learn More

These are some resources that we've found useful when learning about generative AI, how it works, and ways in which we can use it to enhance learning. 



Below you will find a collection of videos covering topics related to ChatGPT, AI, and education.

Cheating With ChatGPT: Can OpenAI’s Chatbot Pass AP Lit? | WSJ

ChatGPT, OpenAI’s new artificially intelligent chatbot, can write essays on complex topics. WSJ’s Joanna Stern went back to high school AP Literature for a day to see if she could pass the class using just AI.

How AI Could Save (Not Destroy) Education | Sal Khan | TED

Sal Khan, the founder and CEO of Khan Academy, thinks artificial intelligence could spark the greatest positive transformation education has ever seen. He shares the opportunities he sees for students and educators to collaborate with AI tools -- including the potential of a personal AI tutor for every student and an AI teaching assistant for every teacher -- and demos some exciting new features for their educational chatbot, Khanmigo.

Ethical Concerns

Ethical Concerns in Education and Generative AI Tools

The use of ChatGPT and similar AI technologies in research presents several ethical concerns that need to be carefully considered. Some of these concerns include:

  1. Bias and Fairness: AI models like ChatGPT can inadvertently learn biases present in the data they are trained on. If the training data contains biased or discriminatory content, the AI's responses could also be biased or perpetuate stereotypes. Researchers must take steps to identify and mitigate such biases to ensure fairness and inclusivity.

  2. Educational Value: Ensure that the use of ChatGPT contributes positively to your educational experience. It should complement learning goals, enhance understanding, and encourage active engagement rather than replace traditional teaching and learning methods.

  3. Critical Thinking: Critically evaluating the information provided by ChatGPT is necessary to learning. Students should cross-reference with reliable sources and engage in independent research to develop strong analytical skills. Overreliance or uncritical use of AI, like ChatGPT, can prevent students from developing critical thinking, research, and writing skills, which are essential for their personal and professional growth.

  4. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's work, ideas, or words as your own without proper attribution. AI models like ChatGPT can generate text that closely resembles existing content, leading to unintentional plagiarism if the AI is not properly guided or if its responses are not thoroughly reviewed. Not only this, but using AI heavily can lead to a misrepresentation of knowledge or a student's actual understanding of the subject matter. 

Students using generative AI in research should prioritize ethical principles, engage in ongoing dialogue, and seek guidance from experts in AI ethics to address these concerns effectively. Openness, transparency, and a commitment to responsible AI usage are key to navigating these ethical challenges.