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Social Justice Resources

Guide to social justice resources for faculty, staff, students, and the public.



On this page we've included several social justice and antiracism resources focused on pedagogy and praxis. The first section includes books available in the CityU Library, which offer a range of teaching perspectives and practices. The second section is devoted to peer-reviewed and popular articles that offer insight into promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in face-to-face and virtual classrooms. The final section of this page provides links to online guides and toolkits with an emphasis on inclusive, antiracist, and trauma-informed teaching and learning.



Resources and Tools

Teaching Guides and Toolkits

Anti-Racist Discussion Pedagogy: An introductory guide to building an anti-racist pedagogy in any discipline through instructor reflection, clear communication guidelines, and inquiry-based discussion. Because this guide is in pdf format and may not be fully accessible, please contact us, if you would prefer an alternative format.

Antiracist Praxis: A LibGuide created by American University Librarians with outstanding content and resources for teaching and researching race, racism, intersectionality, and a range of other vital topics.

Faculty Toolkit on Digital Inclusion: New York University's open toolkit with inclusive remote teaching practices, inclusive curriculum design and assessment practices, and more.

How and Why to Humanize Your Online Class: An infograph for inclusive, culturally responsive teaching.

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-Racism (IDEA) in Open Publishing Guide: A guide from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley library on DEI in open publishing.

Inclusive Teaching Toolkit: Western Washington University's open toolkit offering a multitude of digital resources for creating more inclusive learning environments. 

Open Pedagogy Toolkit: University of British Columbia's toolkit promoting open pedagogy, an inclusive praxis focused on collaboration, transparency, sharing, and community.

Raceworks Toolkit: Stanford University's open toolkit featuring videos, lessons, and other matierals for teaching race.

The Safe Zone Project: Curriculum: 2-to-3-hour curriculum from The Safe Zone Project. It is recommended for all groups to introduce them to core concepts of marginalized genders and sexualities. Includes participant packet and facilitator guide.

Teaching While White: Extensive website featuring a blog, podcast, and numerous resources for antiracist teaching and learning.

Trauma-Informed Practices for Postsecondary Education: A guide created by Shannon Davidson at Education Northwest to "raise awareness of trauma in postsecondary education institutions, help educators understand how trauma affects learning and development, and provide practical advice for how to work effectively with college students who have been exposed to trauma" (p. 3). Because this guide is in pdf format and may not be fully accessible, please contact us, if you would prefer an alternative format.

Trauma-Informed Teaching and Learning: A blog created by Janice Carello with several resources, including an annotated syllabus, principles, and practices.